After kidney transplant surgery patient have to stay 7 days in hospital normally, depends on patient's condition. In first 6-8 days patient feel discomfort in stitches. Kidneys transplant patient can also feel "Paresthesia" (is a sensation of tingling, burning, pricking, or numbness of a person's skin with no apparent long-term physical effect. It is more generally known as the feeling of "pins and needles" or of a limb "falling asleep") in the area of cut in early days of kidneys transplant. Patient can also feel wheezing because of weakness.


A regimen of immune o suppressive, or anti-rejection, medication is prescribed to prevent the body's immune system from rejecting the new kidney. Common immune o suppressants include cyclosporine, prednisone, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, sirolimus, baxsiliximab, daclizumab, and azathioprine. The kidney recipient will be required to take a course of immune o suppressant drugs for the lifespan of the new kidney. Intravenous antibodies may also be administered after kidney transplant surgery and during rejection episodes.

Because the patient's immune system is suppressed, he or she is at an increased risk for infection. The incision area should be kept clean, and the transplant recipient should avoid contact with people who have colds, viruses, or similar illnesses. If the patient has pets, he or she should not handle animal waste. The transplant team will provide detailed instructions on what should be avoided post-transplant. After recovery, the patient will still have to be vigilant about exposure to viruses and other environmental dangers.

Transplant recipients may need to adjust their dietary habits. Certain immune o suppressive medications cause increased appetite or sodium and protein retention, and the patient may have to adjust his or her intake of calories, salt, and protein to compensate.


A transplanted kidney may be rejected by the patient. Rejection occurs when the patient's immune system recognizes the new kidney as a foreign body and attacks the kidney. It may occur soon after transplantation, or several months or years after the procedure has taken place. Rejection episodes are not uncommon in the first weeks after transplantation surgery, and are treated with high-dose injections of immune o suppressant drugs. If a rejection episode cannot be reversed and kidney failure continues, the patient will typically go back on dialysis. Another transplant procedure can be attempted at a later date if another kidney becomes available.

The biggest risk to the recovering transplant recipient is not from the operation or the kidney itself, but from the immune o suppressive medication he or she must take. Because these drugs suppress the immune system, the patient is susceptible to infections such as cytomegalovirus (CMV) and varicella (chickenpox). Other medications that fight viral and bacterial infections can offset this risk to a degree. The immune o suppressants can also cause a host of possible side effects, from high blood pressure to osteoporosis. Prescription and dosage adjustments can lessen side effects for some patients.

Normal results:

The new kidney may start functioning immediately, or may take several weeks to begin producing urine. Living donor kidneys are more likely to begin functioning earlier than cadaver kidneys, which frequently suffer some reversible damage during the kidney transplant and storage procedure. Patients may have to undergo dialysis for several weeks while their new kidney establishes an acceptable level of functioning.

Studies have shown that after they recover from surgery, kidney donors typically have no long-term complications from the loss of one kidney, and their remaining kidney will increase its functioning to compensate for the loss of the other.


Kidney Transplants said...

You published Great post for peoples who transplant their kidneys...

admin said...

Thank you so much for appreciating me for my work.

Unknown said...



Kidney transplant surgery said...

A very informative article. Thanks for sharing your experience with fellow readers. A major barrier to kidney transplant between genetically non-identical or non-matching patients lies in the recipient's immune system response. Which tends to treat the transplanted kidney as a 'non self' and tries to reject it. Drugs are available to counter this. Source:

Anonymous said...

I have a question , and am looking for someone who can help,i am a big fan of nutritional supplements and am looking to find a source to show what supplements are compatible and incompatible with anti rejection meds. any health enthusiasts or athletes who have undergone a kidney transplant with any advice ?

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